Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Monday Night Fans Break Record

Monday night - Dice K pitching for the Nation. Hungry fans ate and ate and ate - they ate their faces off on Monday night. Fat bastards. Sausage Cook grilled 340 snags - a season record on a tiny grill. And you know what else - Monday night's fans were the season's worst tippers too. They will live long in my memory as the most gluttonous and stingiest fans I've encountered. By contrast, on Tuesday night Sausage Cook grilled 240 sausages - and made double the tips! Who knew?

By the way, kudos to the couple of Finns I met last night - my first set of Fans from Finland; I just thought it was cute the way they asked for a hot dog. Usually the Japanese win the accent award, but this times the Finns win.

As far as the baseball was concerned, I thought the Tigers' manager Jim Leyland was going to pull bullpen guy Rooney in the ninth with one out to get. It almost looked like a shade of the panic shown by the Orioles manager on Sunday night. It turned out Leyland was taking a moment to reassure Rooney to get that last out.

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